My Consultations

If you live in the Cambridge area, I can visit you in your home or office for our consultations.  A kitchen table is fine, in fact it’s often quite handy to be in the kitchen if you need any help reviewing products!  If you are not local, we can meet online.

Our initial consultation will take 90 minutes, with all follow-ups taking 60 minutes.  If you are a new client, the minimum recommendation is an initial consultation with one follow-up.  Ideally, the more additional meetings the better, as this allows more time for me to provide support and gently make changes that are going to be sustainable.  Packages 2 and 3 allow for more consultations with a reduction in the price to reflect your commitment.

In addition to your consultation, you will receive 

  • a detailed nutritional analysis of your food diary

  • a personalised nutrition plan with lifestyle advice

  • Resources: meal plans, recipes and information sheets, as required

  • WhatsApp / email support and accountability for the duration of your programme